Tuesday, December 23, 2008


Today, in our weekly team meeting at work, we were asked to think about our highlights from the past year. What was great about '08? What were the memorable things that happened this past year? And honestly, it was a lot harder than I felt like it should have been. My life truly is so richly blessed and I have had so much to be thankful for over the past year. It makes me a little sad that I really had to think hard for highlights. That was a couple of hours ago and I have since had the wheels begin to turn and here is my revised list:

~3rd half-marathon
~Apt #168
~Keegan James
~Kate Elizabeth
~Jonathan Liam
~ My Sisters of Hope
~ my little sister's wedding weekend
~slowly paying off debt
~reunions with college friends
~the virginia creeper trail
~the obx
~Jane Austen
~Lady Sabre Basketball
~Raspberry Thompson
~Dallas, TX
~One Day Better

I really could go on and on. The more I think of, the more amazed I am at just how good God has been to me. This past year was a hard year, but I wouldn't change anything about it. I have seen myself change in a way that I would have thought impossible, although I had hoped I could. And that's the seed in it all: HOPE! My hope has been restored this year. Or rather, my hope has been refocused and with focus comes peace. And peace....that's priceless!