Friday, February 29, 2008


my balance is off today.

sometimes i feel like i'm walking a tight rope.

like i'm hundreds of feet above the ground,
shakily placing





of the other,

simply hoping that i don't fall to my death. (and that's a metaphoric death).

there are several things that threaten to throw me from my lofty perch and each must be combatted in the same way. the only way that i am able to refrain from the fall is by fixing my eyes on the other side. all of my attention and energy must be focused on the Certainty that lies at the other end of this rope. whether it is a person calling to me from below or my own insecurities calling to me from within, the Voice from the other side must be allowed to drown them all out.

simple choice.

not so simple choosing.

1 comment:

jim thompson said...

this be purty.
