Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Blog Tagged

I've been blog tagged by Sara Thompson. Here it goes...

1. I can't whistle. I can do something that resembles whisting in which I suck air in instead of blowing it out, but that means I can't whistle a song because I'm constantly having to breath. It's sad, really. I never learned correctly when I was smaller, but I will master it! Even if it takes me the rest of my life. And when I do master it, I will call all my closest friends and whistle the Hallelujah Chorus in two part harmony! :)

2. I must have been doing something else when I was younger while all the other kids were learning all these lifelong skills, but along with not being able to whistle I am also unable to do a cartwheel. It's embarassing, really. I've tried to learn, but this is one thing I'm okay with never being able to do. My cartwheel consists of me bending over at the waste, placing both hands flat on the ground, and then hopping off of both feet about 2 inches in the air. It's sad, but terribly funny if you're watching.

3. I birdwatch. I know. I know. I'm not retired. I'm not a Baby Boomer. I just love birds. I think I learned to love it from going over to my grandparents' house. They had this huge feeding station set up in their backyard, with a huge picture window in the living room where we used to sit and watch them for hours. I would watch each one fly in to eat and ask my grandma what kind it was. She would tell me and then I would look it up in the Field Guide and find out all about it. I don't have many memories with my grandparents which is why I cling to this one. I even asked for binoculars for my 16th birthday, if that tells you anything.

4. I hate shoes. I would go barefoot all the time, if that was sanitary or socially acceptable. I'm sure there are parts of the world and the country where it is at least socially acceptable, but I don't live there. So - I wear shoes.

5. My mind is a steel trap. Anyone that knows me knows that's true. It doesn't matter what it is; movie quotes, song lyrics, conversations, dates. I remember it all. It's not exactly photographic or anything, but it's a steel trap for sure. It's normally a good thing, but on occasion the constant replay in my head is anything but healthy!

6. I have a strange, but completely normal, fascination with Native American Indians. I don't know where it came from. It started when I was in middle school where I would spend my lunch period every day in the library, reading everything I could get my hands on that had to do with Native Americans. If I could go back in time to live during any time period, it would be during a time when Native Americans still inhabited this country and before the white man came in and stole their land and gave them small pox and alcohol. Bunch of jerks!


Sara said...

this made me so so happy.

- i CAN whistle

- i CAN'T do a cartwheel either

- i want you to teach me about birds

- you have the steel-iest steel trap of anyone i know

- i only like birkenstocks on my feet (and yes, i remember what you used to say about girls that wore birks)


jim thompson said...
