Wednesday, November 12, 2008


I wouldn't consider myself an uptight person, although I would classify myself as somewhat anal-retentive, especially when it comes to cleanliness. My apartment is not completely sterile and I leave dishes in my sink on occasion, but I cannot tolerate filth. Now while I recognize this overflowing trashcan is technically not "filth", it absolutley drives me crazy. It is obvious to me that the trashcan shown above is F-U-L-L. I see it plain as day. It needs to be emptied. I would even go as far to say that it would take less effort to empty it than it would to strategically hold the lid up, press the garbage down, trying to get one more piece to fit.

Am I alone in this?
Does anyone else not see the very obvious fact that
the trashcan is full?
Are people blind or just that lazy?

Either way, it drives me crazy.
Whatever that's worth!

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