Thursday, February 12, 2009

Holding On

Maybe it's my extreme exhaustion. Maybe it's my hormones, which tend to be thrown off by my exhaustion. Maybe it's just the fact that time is passing, against my will.
Whatever the reason, I find myself desperate today.
I'm desperate for God to really show up in my life.
I'm desperate for Him to show me what to do.
I'm desperate for change.
And He knows that.
He sees me where I am.
He hears my heart's cry.
He cares about all of it.
And so I cling to His promise, once again.
"But God's not finished. He's waiting around to be gracious to you.
He's gathering strength to show mercy to you.
God takes time to do everything right - everything.
Those who wait around for Him are the lucky ones."
(Isaiah 30:18)


Sara said...

thanks for your transparency bean... you're beautiful.

Cyndee Corley said...

I'm with Sara. You are a beautiful woman after God's heart. The great news is, you're right - He's not finished with you. There is great hope that is found in knowing that. Love ya sister.

jim thompson said...

i heart isaiah 30 and 35. so good.