Monday, February 2, 2009


Q: Why did the boy throw the clock out the window?
A: Because he wanted to see time fly.

That's the kind of joke my friend, Sara, would tell with a childlike giggle in her throat. That's one of the things I love about her, is her ability to make me laugh at something so not funny. As not funny as that joke is, the whole idea about time flying has had me thinking a lot lately. I've really begun to think about, and be conscious of, how I spend my time. Maybe it's because I'm getting older. I don't know. Whatever the reason though, I'm aware.

I don't feel like I waste time, although some could qualify the several hours a week I spend watching smutty tv as wasteful. I try to keep myself pretty busy every day. I've tried to involve myself in activities from sunrise to sunset, partly because I don't like going home to spend too much time in an empty apartment. Whatever the reason, I'm not home all that much. So, I've started to question how I'm spending my days.

I work. I coach. I work out. I have Bible studies. I hang out with friends. None of those are bad things. But am I making a difference? Outside of work, there really isn't that much time left in each day and I want to make sure I'm actually using the time I've been given for something that will last longer than me. I have no doubt that I am exactly where I'm supposed to be at this point in my life, but I don't want to simply be satisfied with being here. A lot of times I feel like I'm just hanging out and taking up space, but I know that's not true. I want to use this time I've been given to make a difference, whatever that looks like. I guess I'm just trying to figure that out and I guess my point in writing all this is to say that I want to be sure I'm not missing opportunities because I'm wasting the time I'm given.

1 comment:

Sara said...

beaner - just so you know, i look at you and am embarrassed of how much time i sit on the couch... and not because i think you're busy and always on the go, but because it's apparent that you are purposeful in your life. it may not feel that way, but it's definitely clear from the outside, looking in. when you're working, you're impacting your co-workers. when you're coaching, you're impacting those lucky girls. when you're working out... well, you're impacting your muscles :)

seriously, the amount of treasures that are being stored up in heaven as a result of your beautiful heart (to be laid at our Savior's feet, of course) is pretty obscene about now.

the only thing that's wasted here is that there's no good way to transfer your perseverance into me. so, there.

(great joke, btw)